Posted on Jul 04, 2021
Members & friends of Rotary Passport Melbourne gathered on Saturday 3rd July 2021 at a luncheon event where we saw the club's presidential role change hands from Maria Hicks (Charter President) to Jenny Foster (2nd Club President).

In accepting the club leadership, President Jenny Foster thanked past President Maria for a stellar job in leading the club 2020-2021. President Jenny Foster spoke a few words, sharing her passion for Rotary, in the same token, thanked the club membership for the opportunity to serve as the 2nd club president of Rotary Passport Melbourne.

President Jenny also took the opportunity to also introduce her club 2021-2022 officers.

The event marked the beginning of a New Year of service and leadership in Rotary inspired by the theme, "Serve to Change Lives". "The theme serves as an inspiration for all Rotarians and a rallying call for our efforts in 2021-2022, to do more and grow more"- 2021-22 Rotary International President Shekhar Mehta